Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Vacuum Impregnation to modify physico chemical properties and sensory attributes of apple cv. Jonagold (1-cm thick slices)

Effective inhibition of browning and softening of apple slices during storage by 1% ascorbic acid, 0.005% 4-hexylresorcinol, 0.5% calcium chloride, 20% sucrose in  mpregnated solution. During the impregnation of pears the authors used an isotonic solution containing enzymatic browning inhibitors (ascorbate; 4-hexylresorcinol; EDTA; citrate) with or without an addition of calcium lactate. The most effective limitation of adverse changes in color were observed as a result of vacuum impregnation of pears with a solution containing ascorbate and an addition of lactate. They also recorded an extended shelf life of the minimally processed product to 20 days and inhibition of changes in the mechanical properties of tissue as well as microbial growth. The effect of enzymatic browning inhibition during storage was also observed by BiegaƄska-Marecik and Czapski (2007) when applying a solution containing ascorbic acid; 4-hexylresorcinol; calcium chloride and sucrose in vacuum impregnation of apple slices.

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