Wednesday, February 13, 2019

vacuum impregnation to modify health-promoting properties of apples cv. Granny Smith (disk-shaped samples)

After vacuum impregnation:1.51·108 CFU/g Lactobacillus salivarius spp. Salivarius; the highest microbial content: after 24 h incubation period, pH 6. Vacuum impregnated apple slices were air dried, freeze-dried and dried in a process combining air drying and radiant energy vacuum drying. Initially, the L. rhamnosus population in apple slices tissue after impregnation was at 109 CFU/g. The freeze-drying process was most effective in protecting bacteria in comparison to the other two drying methods, reducing then microbial population by 1.1 log. In turn, a combination of air drying and radiant energy vacuum drying resulted in a smaller reduction of the level of microorganisms during room temperature storage in enriched apple snacks. Additionally, in a study by Betoret et al. (2009), a combination of vacuum impregnation and drying provided a probiotic fruit product containing microorganisms at a level comparable to that in probiotic dairy products

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vacuum impregnation to modify health-promoting properties of 13 apple cultivars (6 mm apple slices)

vacuum impregnationto modify health-promoting properties of 13 apple cultivars (6 mm apple slices) After vacuum impregnation of...